Friday, August 30, 2019

Baked Pepper Pork Bun 胡椒餅

recipe from here
with pictorial steps

Ingredients (makes 8 pieces)
water dough (outer dough)
all purpose flour 320g
yeast 5g
water 200g (about 0.85 cup)
sugar 20g (about 5 tsp)
salt 1/2 tsp
lard 20g 

材料 (8個份量)

中筋麵粉 320g
速發酵母 5g
水 200g
糖 20g
鹽 半小匙
豬油 20g

Oil dough
all purpose flour 110g
lard 55g

中筋麵粉 110g
豬油 55g

ground pork 500g
light soy sauce 2 tbsp
sesame oil 2 tbsp
black pepper 1 tbsp
white pepper 1 tbsp
huatiao wine 1 tbsp
five spice powder 1 tsp
sugar 1 tsp
salt 1 tsp
egg 1
green onion 3 stalks
white sesame seeds 1/2 bowl for coating

枚頭豬肉(半肥瘦) 500g(約1斤)
醬油 2大匙
麻油 2大匙
黑胡椒粉(原粒盅碎) 1大匙
白胡椒粉(原粒盅碎) 1大匙
料酒 1大匙
五香粉 1小匙
糖 1小匙
鹽 1小匙
雞蛋 1隻

蔥 3棵
白芝麻 小半飯碗

  1. Prepare the ground pork.
  2. Add seasonings to the pork and mix well.  Cling wrap and place in the refrigerator for 2 hours or more.
  3. Wash the green onions, remove root ends and cut into pieces.  Set aside.
  4. Prepare the water dough with the ingredients.  Knead into a dough, cover it and set aside.
  5. Prepare the oil dough. Do not over knead.  Make into round shapes, cling wrap and place in the refrigerator for 1 hour. 
  6. Take out the water dough and press to remove air in the dough.  Divide dough into 8 pieces.
  7. Take out oil dough from the refrigerator.  Divide it into 8 portions.
  8. Use water dough to wrap the oil dough.
  9. Knead into a rectangular shape.  Roll it and let it stand.  
  10. Knead into a rectangular shape again. Roll it and let it stand.  When the rest of the portions are all done, cling wrap it to activate the yeast a second time. Press the wrapped ends down to form a flat circle.  Use a roller to knead the outer layer of the circle, centre part of the circle has to be thicker.  
  11. Place dough onto your hand.  Place pork onto the centre part, then add chopped green onions.  Knead to close the gap.
  12. Place kneaded part of the bun, facing down.  Coat buns with white sesame seeds.
  13. Preheat oven to 220 degree C (428 degrees F)and bake for 30 minutes.  While baking, turn the baking pan after 15 minutes to ensure even baking.
  1. 先處理內餡豬肉切粒後剁碎 (用絞肉也可以,但手剁口感比較好,會吃到肉的質感)
  2. 剁好後加入所有醃料,用手快速攪拌至豬肉把醃料全吸收好再手撻數下後,包好保鮮紙包好放入雪櫃醃最少兩小時
  3. 蔥洗淨去根部後切粒備用
  4. 油皮材料全倒下麵包機或手搓成麵糰(起不起膜沒關係)蓋上濕布發酵1小時
  5.  油酥材料先按壓成粒狀,再輕揉成糰 (勿搓揉過度)
  6. 把發酵好的油皮先排氣,再分成8等份
  7. 油酥也從雪櫃拿出來,分成8等份
  8. 將油酥先包入油皮滾成圓麵糰
  9. 包好的麵糰先捍成長型,卷起垂直站立,卷口向上
  10. 再重覆捍成長型,卷起垂直站立,卷口向上,做好8份後,蓋上保鮮紙二次發酵半小時
  11. 之後將麵糰放上手,先放上豬肉,再放蔥粒,邊推餡入內邊摺包好 (摺不摺隨意)
  12. 包好內餡的麵糰收口向下,印上白芝麻後放上焗盤
  13. 預熱焗爐220度,入爐30分鐘(中間15分鐘前後轉盤一次)至餅皮金黃色即可 

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