Friday, March 2, 2012

Pan Fried Minced Meat Tofu

I learnt this dish from my mum.  She deep fried the tofu and they were very crispy and delicious, but I opted for the healthier version of pan frying them.

1 packet soft tofu
150g minced meat
8 medium sized prawns - deshelled
1 large egg
2 stalks green onion - chopped
2 red chillies - remove seeds and chopped
2 tsp sesame oil
salt and pepper to taste

  1. Mash the tofu and place it on a siever to remove excess water.
  2. Mix all other ingredients to the mashed tofu and place it on a plate with some depth.
  3. Steam it for 15  to 20 minutes over medium heat.
  4. Remove from heat and remove any excess water.
  5. Let it cool to room temperature and then cut into cubes.
  6. Heat up oil on pan and fry the tofu over medium heat till golden brown on both sides.
  7. Serve warm with some sweet chilli sauce.

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