Ingredients 8 mussels - cleaned 20 clams - cleaned 8 large prawns - cleaned and deveined 4 slices of cod fish - cut into big chunks 2 bay leaves 1/2 tsp red chilli flakes 1 cup blended fresh tomato sauce 2 tomatoes - chopped into small pieces sprinkle of dried oregano salt and pepper to taste 1 cup white wine 1/2 cup fish stock small bunch of parsley - chopped 1 medium sized onion - diced 1 big shallot - sliced 4 cloves garlic - chopped 2 tbsp olive oil
Ingredients 1 young coconut few slices of peach handful of pinenuts 1 tsp lemon juice 1 tbsp sugar honey to taste 1/2 cup coconut water 1/2 cup coconut milk Method
Cut open the coconut and pour the juice in a bowl.
Scrape the coconut flesh from the coconut and cut into small pieces.
Put coconut flesh, sugar, coconut water and coconut milk into a blender. Add more coconut water if it is too dry.
Blend until creamy and smooth.
Transfer to a bowl and add lemon juice and honey. Mix well and put into refrigerator for a few hours.
Add some slices of peach and pine nuts and served chilled.
*a good way to make use of the coconut flesh when the young coconut is not that young and the flesh is not tender.
Ingredients 2 bowls of cooked rice, left overnight in fridge 1 small can of luncheon meat - use half of it and cut into small cubes 1 tsp sliced shallot 1 tsp chopped garlic 1 tsp chopped turmeric 2 tbsp soy sauce dash of pepper sprinkle of salt handful of frozen green peas handful of frozen corn 2 eggs vegetable oil
Heat up oil on medium heat. Add cubed luncheon meat and fry till brown. Set aside for later use.
Add a little more oil and add eggs to pan. Lightly scramble the eggs. Transfer to a plate when it is 75 percent cooked. Set aside for later use.
Fry shallot till lightly aromatic. Add garlic and turmeric and fry till aromatic.
Switch to high heat and fry the rice, tossing it over high heat.
Add soy sauce and continue frying. Add peas and corns and fry for another few minutes.
Add meat, eggs, pepper and salt and fry to mix well.